Monday, July 18, 2011

Should I be worried about my weight?

ok, so I'm only 14. but I have this huge problem lately with my weight. I'm about 5'1. or shorter...& I weigh about 103-104. no idea if thats good or bad. I know I'm not FAT, but I hate feeling big. Are my eyes playing tricks on me? I look down and my thighs, calves, & just my legs all together look skinny & nice. I don't look fat at all. but when I look in the mirror, everything changes. I look huge! I think its mostly muscle...but I hate it!!! I really can't tell.. but I am a pretty active athlete. I play volleyball, basketball, & softball, but I haven't been playing any sports lately, just alotta running & playing outside. like riding on scooters, bikes, name it. but I really want to know, am I overreacting?? I mean, is there some way I can slim down my legs or lose some weight fast, but not starving myself. I've considered & tried that & that made it please. help. :(

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