Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Best friends crazy mother! help i want to hang out with my best friends?

My two best friends are twins...they have a crazy mother, she swears like a sailor even at me she gets mad easily and flips out I have so many stories I could share with you but ill try to keep this short and sweet, so lately she has been getting more and more crazy, the twins are extremely nice girls and don't do anything bad(like drugs, or drink, or sex, stuff like that) and there parents mainly there mom finds something to ground them like if there grade goes below a 90 then they get grounded for the week or if there mom is in a bad mood she will purposely irrate them till they get mad and yell at her then she take there car, and all communications and they kant hang out with friends I probably hang out with them like 3 times a month and I'm there best friend!! So the 2nd till last day of school they decided to skip they asked me but I had a test so I just told them no(this was there first time skipping ever) the only reason they did this is bcuz they didn't have anything that day and thought why not but there parents found out and there mom went crazy and they have ben grounded so far for 2weeks! They know what they did was wrong but its not even that big of a deal, its not lilke they skipped to go smoke some drugs they skipped to go shopping! So she called my mom and they talked about it and my mom went along with everything just because she doesn't want to start anything and there mom lied about everything to make herself look good as a mom. Anyways so tonite one of the twins got on fb really fast and said we prolly won't be able to hang out bcuz there mom said that she doesn't wany me to ever go over to there house bcuz I don't respcet her..idont get it I have never done anything to disrespect her as much as I hate her guts I have always ben nice to her even when she is in my face screaming at me, its summer vk and I want to hang out with my best friends,I don't know what to do would it be a bad idea to tlk to her nicely and ask what her problem is with me?

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